Category: Uncategorized

Programme previews

Our 2020 programme has a few changes planned for it, with additional content and a few new columnists joining our team. Over the next few weeks, we will be introducing you to a few...

Speedway season postponed

It is with regret that we have to inform you that the British Speedway season has been postponed for 4 weeks due to the Coronavirus crisis. The situation will be reviewed on April 15th...

Childrens Ward Visit

As usual at this time of year, Redcar Agilia Bears will again be visiting the childrens ward at James Cook hospital in Middlesbrough to hand out Easter Eggs and other gifts to the children....

Blind Card Winners

Congratulations to our latest blind card winners, which were drawn in front of a packed out crowd at the Bears Bar for the February race night. Picked by Bears skipper Charles Wright, our congratulations...

Racenight tonight!

A reminder that our February Saturday Social is tonight! We will be joined by Charles, Erik and Joe. Get an insight into their pre-season preparations and listen to their thoughts on the coming year!...

SG Petch make it five!

A big warm welcome to SG Petch Middlesbrough, who are our 5th confirmed partner for 2020. The Bears have had a long and successful relationship with SG Petch and they will continue as the...

Hartburn Garage make it Four!

Hartburn Garage are the latest partner to join the Redcar Agilia Bears side for 2020. Based on Darlington Road in Stockton, Hartburn Garage become the 4th partner to be announced in 4 days. Director...